1971: Torben Lassen, founder of the “Moxy Jug Strugglers”. In 1973 the band switched names to “Riverband”.
1975: Practice session on a regular Tuesday in Holstebro.
1976: Rehearsal in Holstebro.
1979: Torben receives the Jazz prize from Jesper Thilo.
1980: Vognporten. Programme for January 1980
1981: Riverboat Festival.
1981 november: Performing at the shopping street in Struer.
1981: Programme for jazz at "De tre musketerer".
1982: A young fan at the Riverboat Festival.
1982: Photo session for the cover of the record.
1982: The rhythmical group from the London tour.
1982: London tour Watford jazz Club.
1982: Street music in Flensburg.
1982: The London Tour: On their way to a gig, transporting a piano.
1982: The Riverband at “Vognporten” in Copenhagen.
1984: Amnesty Festival in Ferring.
1985: Arjäng Jazz Festival: The Riverband featuring Maxine Sullivan.
1985: Jazz onboard the Livå Ferry, sailing on the Limfjord during Brovst music week.

1988: Celebrating the 15th anniversary of the band at Fjaltring community center.
1989: The Riverband on its way to the Jazz house “Stampen” in Stockholm.
1989: Jazzhus Stampen, Stockholm.
1989: Jazzhus Stampen, Stockholm.
1991: Thorsminde, collaborating with a TV-show from the rescue station
1991: Trøjborg.
1993: From the concert “Over the borders” where east meets west. It was held at the main square in Holstebro and was arranged by “Odin Theater”.
1994: The Riverband by the big creek, known as “Storåen” in Holstebro featuring Daimi.
1994: Peter hands over the drums to Kim.
1995: Riverband with Lone Kellermann.
1998: Riverband with Carsten Ingemann.
2001: Steamy rhythms in the cold. The final concert at “Polar Jazz”.
2001: Polarjazz at Svalbard in January.
2001: Polar Jazz: It’s only noon here!
2005: The pianist’s sunday jamming session, at Fenø Jazz Festival.
2005: Street parade in Kungshamn: The mouse and the elephant.
2006: Photosession with Tommy Wølk in Lemvig.
2006: Photosession with Tommy Wølk. Jesper Carlsen playing bas.
2006: Silda Jazz Festival, Haugesund, Norway.
2012: Torben joins a jazz orchestra at Jackson Square in New Orleans.
2013: Allan, Torben and Filt at Aarhus Jazz Club.
2013: On ourway to Vibransøy, Silda Jazz in Haugesund, Norway.
2013: Jazz Club Malurt, Frederikshavn.
2014: Jørgen and Nikolai, Aarhus Jazz Club.
2014: Riverband is ready for another tour.
2014: Sildajazz festival, Haugesund, Norway.
2014: Rehearsal at Allans place.
2014: Midsummer celebrations at “Jazzhors at Dollys” in Horsens.
2015: The Riverband sets foot on the international stage at French Quarter Festival in New Orleans.
2015: Allan is causing trouble, Gladsaxe Jazz Club.
2015: From Ooh-Poo-Pah-Doo-Bar, New Orleans.
2015: Freddy Rasmussen in Preservation Hall.
2015: Street parade in New Orleans.
2016: Waiting for the boat to go sight-seeing.
2016: On our way to street parade, Sildajazz, Haugesund, Norway.
2016: A private boat concert for one of the “Silda jazz” sponsors.
2016: Waiting time at the dock, Kristiansand.
2016: Selfie at the Maribo Jazz festival.